Thursday, 7 September 2017

Schools Development Planning (SDP) elements #s11,12,13

This post may be somewhat disappointing as there is not much change recommended for SDP elements #s11 & 12.  However there is some action on element #13.

I am sure that in following the posts you will understand that in any one school year it would be impossible and unnecessary to have a lot of action in each SDP element.

SDP element #11
Communications within the school.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #16: Communication works in our school community.
Current school documentation and situation
The frequency and purpose of administrator meetings and staff meetings is clearly documented and is serving the purpose as is.
Parental contact processes through parent/teacher meetings, newsletters, school and student reports is clearly documented and no change is to be attempted for 2016.
Development objectives for 2016
NA 2016
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT
NA 2016
Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
NA 2016
Process for achieving the objectives
NA 2016
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
NA 2016

SDP element #12
The representation on and the role of the School Board and the role of the P&C.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #6: My child’s school gives me the opportunity to be part of my child’s learning.
Criterion #13: We the school staff are one with the School Board.
Current school documentation and situation
The election process for School Board membership and the frequency and format of Board meetings is clearly documented and no change will be attempted for 2016.
The relationship of teaching staff to the School Board is clearly documented and no change will be attempted in 2016.
The relationship of parents to the School Board is clearly documented and no change will be attempted in 2016.
The role of the P&C and the frequency of meetings is clearly documented and no change will be attempted for 2016.

Development objectives for 2016
NA 2016
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT
NA 2016
Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
NA 2016
Process for achieving the objectives
NA 2016
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
NA 2016

SDP element #13
Parents the school and the learning of the parents’ offspring.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #6:  My child’s school gives me the opportunity to be part of my child’s learning.
Current school documentation and situation
The school’s documentation contains an affirmation that all staff recognise that the students belong to the parents who need to be kept informed about their student offspring by formal and informal reporting; that the communication is encouraged to be two-way school staff to the parent, the parent to school staff; that parents are made aware of the student well-being policies of the school; that the parents are made aware of that the curriculum is the ANC; that the parents are made aware of the no gaps standards moderated mastery approach in the subjects to which this applies; that the parents are made aware of the approach in the subject areas that are not subject to the no gaps standards moderated mastery approach; that the parents are made aware of the no homework policy (…for primary schools only) and the rationale behind it; that the parents are made aware of the details of and their role in the NAPLAN testing program; that the parents are made aware that they will be notified immediately there is recognition of a serious learning problem for one of their student offspring, there will be no surprises.
Development objectives for 2016
Parents new to the school are to be briefed on the policies above.
Update the SE data base for the relevant Aligned SE criterion.
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT
·       Each teacher to hold a meeting with the new parents at which the parents are supplied with a written copy of the policies as above.  They will also be referred to the school website where the policies are also found and with the latest updates.
·       Copying costs, inclusive of stationery, in order to produce the written policies for distribution.
·       Clerical staff time.
·       On the school site.
·       The school website.

Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
The opening two weeks of school for 2016.
Process for achieving the objectives
Well prepared presentations at the new parent teacher meetings.
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
The SE  database for the aligned SE criterion indicates parent satisfaction.

 My the Force be with you!


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