Tuesday, 5 September 2017

School Development Planning (SDP) element #10 : establishing a formal student wellbeing program

Tom has previously signalled that student wellbeing is School Effectiveness Criterion # 1.  Here the school sets out to establish a formal student wellbeing program.

SDP element #10
The state at any one time of student well-being across the school student population and the effectiveness of the monitoring of this #1 priority SE criterion.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #1:  My school respects me every day.
Criterion #2: My school helps me to be fit and healthy and to feel good about myself.
Criterion #3:  My teacher(s) talk to me personally each week.
Criterion #18: We laugh a lot in our school.
Current school documentation and situation
·       To this point the school has relied on a given (a hope) that effective teaching based on core teaching principles documented and well understood by all will result in a high level of student well-being.
·       We don’t believe we have a student well-being problem of any serious magnitude but we still have students who are unsettled and appear to have blocks to their learning.
·       We need to be sure that every student feels safe and comfortable at school.  We want a regular and rigorous hard evidence-based picture of how well we are doing.
·       We have no substantial well-being policy documentation.
Development objective(s) for 2016
This is the major development area for the school in 2016.
·       Create a first draft policy about student well-being inclusive of the indicators of optimum well-being such as a sense of safety, security, being wanted, being respected.
·       Trial instruments for measuring student well-being.
·       Trial the frequency of making the assessments such that we have a regular picture of the well-being of all our students.
·       Decide who is best to make the assessments.
·       Set a target of 98% of students with a high well-being rating at any one time.
·       Adjust the physical education program to focus on the personal fitness and self image approach.
·       Adjust the performing arts program to bring a focus on this as a means of building self confidence.
·       Update and create new elements in the SE data base in respect of the aligned SE criterion.
Resources needed

·       people
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT
·       A researcher (possibly a PhD student) from the UWA Faculty of Education. The whole staff cohort.
·       Allow $4,000.00 to enable the attainment of the above objectives.
·       In – service time as decided by the researcher.
·       At the school.
·       IT as needed to be provided by the researcher and the school.
Timeline to achieve the objectives
Initial work in 2016 with a view to embedding in the school culture by the end of 2017.
Process for achieving the objectives
Prepare the staff for a researcher presence and let the researcher tackle the attainment of the objectives.
Outcomes of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
·       The measuring instruments are ‘valid’ and ‘reliable’.
·       Teachers report that the well-being assessment tasks are manageable within their normal timetables and that the new demands in physical education and performing arts are achievable.
·       The data from the well-being assessments indicates the % of students with a high well-being rating.
·       Actions are taken to remediate if data suggests there is well-being shortfall from the 98% target.
·       The SE data base informs about student well-being

Here the SDP shows change in action in order to develop a more effective school.

May the Force be with you!


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