Saturday, 9 September 2017

School Development Planning (SDP) element #14

This SDP element gets down to how parents are appraised of their child's learning progress.  It is a two way process based on the partnership between the parent and the school personnel.

SDP element #14
Written and oral communications with parents, with the main area of communication being the school reports on student progress with their learning.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #6: My child’s school gives me the opportunity to be part of my child’s learning.
Current school documentation and situation
Parental contact processes through parent/teacher meetings, newsletters, school and student reports are clearly documented and no change is to be attempted for 2016.  A special section is set aside for contacting parents about NAPLAN test results.
Development objectives for 2016
In parent teacher meetings, parents new to the school being given a briefing on the school reports, the newsletter and the most effective ways that they may generate contact with the school, including judicious use of direct email to the class teacher.
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT
·       Each teacher to hold a meeting with the new parents at which the parents are supplied with a written copy of the policies as above.  They will also be referred to the school website where the policies are also found and with the latest updates.
·       Copying costs, inclusive of stationery, in order to produce the written policies for distribution.
·       Clerical staff time.
·       On the school site.
The school website
Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
The opening two weeks of school for 2016
Process for achieving the objectives
Well prepared presentations at the new parent teacher meetings.
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
The SE data base for the aligned criterion shows that parents have a connection to the school that satisfies them.

Again I hope that none of the US readers of this blog are in the path of the wild storms hitting and further threatening the USA.

May the Force be with you!


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