Thursday 10 December 2020


I have just attended my grand daughter's end of year concert. It was most enjoyable and cleverly built around the theme of the Covid pandemic.

I am pleased to say the the standard of singing had vastly improved on the previous year's effort.  Shouting is not singing.

As one who places a lot of credence in the value of the Performing Arts to help build self esteem I am always keen to promote excellence in whatever performance medium is used.  It takes a lot of work to teach a child to sing with sweetness and clarity.  The school choir at the recent concert was getting there but more training is needed.  Being  a co-ed primary (elementary) school I was disappointed at the few boys in the choir.  There is nothing like a well trained boy soprano voice. I listened also for the descant applied during the performance, but sadly this was not forthcoming this year.

The school band was in tune and did a good job.  I was pleased that a solo guitar was utilised to back one song with the young teenage guitarist executing brilliantly on his electric guitar.

Overall I worry that the modern pop/rock dominance in our society too strongly influences what schools do in the Performing Arts areas of song and dance. The more classical singing and dancing might be being pushed into the background. There needs to be a balance between the classic and the contemporary.

All hail the value of the Performing Arts in the development of the whole student.

May the Force be with us!


Congratulations to all school Principals

 Covid 19 has meant a tense and worrying 2020 for school Principals across the world. Being ready to react at any time to a school closure due to Covid was a big challenge I am sure, followed by establishing a home schooling regime if needed.

The coming year 2021 in some countries is unlikely to be much better until vaccination programs begin to stop the spread of the virus.

Maybe the festive season will allow the drawing of breath and the recharging of batteries ready for the anticipated challenges. I hope so for the sake of my Principal colleagues and their school staff members and students.

May the Force be with you!