Tuesday, 26 September 2017

School Development Planning (SDP) element #21

Staff welfare is of vital concern.  Staff deserve the same high level of wellbeing as the students.

A reality is that a school needs to have in place well documented procedures should a staff member not be performing to the standards expected by the school.  Staff need to feel that they will always be afforded natural justice and due process.  They also need to feel that a drop off in performance, while it needs to be addressed, is not necessarily seen as negative, as it may be a symptom of factors outside the school bearing down on the staff member with the school community there to lend support.

For a Principal to manage the situation of a staff member performing below par is tricky and requires wisdom and courage to manage it for what it is.  GD speaks from experience having been through the process that led to the dismissal of a teacher.  The process took 6 months to be resolved with the teacher being advised on remedial measures and being given every opportunity to put them into place.  GD also cites another case where a teacher being investigated decided during the process to retire, thanking GD for bringing to a head the closure of a career that the teacher never really wanted in the first place.  GD has to admit being a bit miffed when he later discovered that a teacher training institution admitted to GD that they let this teacher graduate even though there was much doubt about his capabilities for the job.  GD felt that the training institution should have bitten the bullet and saved the young man much anguish as he struggled with a job that did not suit him.  When GD officiated in these two cases he was a Superintendent of Schools so came in from the outside and assisted the Principal.  It was a tough gig but easier to do as someone from outside the school community. It is much harder for a Principal in situ.

SDP element #21
Staff welfare, inclusive of procedures when staff are performing below the core standards expected in the school.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #7:  My school cares about me as a staff member and has reasonable expectations of me.
Criterion #10:  My school relieves me of the stress of severely disruptive students.
Criterion #18:  We laugh a lot in our school.
Current school documentation and situation
The school documentation affirms a commitment to staff welfare and includes clear processes where a staff member is performing below the core standards of the school’s best practice.  No change is needed for 2016.
Development objectives for 2016
Induct new staff into the procedures so that they have confidence that they will always be afforded due process and natural justice.
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT

·       Mentor teachers
·       Tine slots for induction
·       A school site process
Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
Prior to commencing at the school in 2016 the new staff will have read and agreed to the relevant policies.

Process for achieving the objectives
Mentor teachers to informally check that these policies are understood.
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
New staff understand the welfare of staff policies and procedures.

Trust all this is helping some educational practitioners out there in school land.

May the Force be with you!


Monday, 25 September 2017

School Development Plan (SDP) element #20

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) not exiting but oh so essential.

SDP element #20
Occupational health and safety procedures.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #14: Our school has reassuring and necessary OHS procedures.
Current school documentation and situation
OHS procedures are clearly documented but will need to test the adjustment to all OHS practices as applied to the new classroom block opening in 2016.
Development objectives for 2016
Practise the new evacuation procedures taking into account the existence of the new classroom block
Update the data base for the aligned SE criterion
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT
·       All staff and students
·       Practise mid term 1 and mid term 3.
·       On the school site
Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
Process for achieving the objectives
Practise and if necessary adjust the evacuation procedures.
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
The evacuation procedures work smoothly and will cope with any emergency.
The School Effectiveness database shows that the OHS practices for the school are rigorously adhered to by all staff members.

May the Force be with you!


Friday, 22 September 2017

School Development Plan (SDP) element #19

Its not all about money, but of course it is an essential resource.

SDP element #19
Budget processes, inclusive of evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of budget decisions as applied to facilitate the student learning program.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #12: Our school’s budget spending is focussed on improving student learning.
Current school documentation and situation
The school budget and audit processes are clearly documented and will need no adjustment for 2016.
Development objectives for 2016
Participate in a full audit of the school’s finances and financial management
Update the aligned SE effectiveness criterion.
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT
·       External auditors
·       $1,000
·       Early term 3, 2016
·       On the school site
·       Stationery supplied by the school as needed by the auditors
·       Auditors with access to school computer financial records
Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
Term 3, 2016
Process for achieving the objectives
Auditors to carry out their work.
Principal reviews the directions of school spending highlighting how it enhanced student learning.
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
The school’s financial records and financial management satisfy the auditors and are prepared for inclusion in the Annual Report.
The school continues to focus its spending to improve student learning and this is reflected in the Annual Report.
The School Effectiveness data base is updated for School Effectiveness criterion #12.

May the Force be with you!