Monday 2 October 2017

School Development Planning (SDP) element #23

For me the traditions of the school are vital as the strong bonds that bind the individuals of the school community, staff and students, together.  These traditions include the rights of passage from primary (elementary) school to secondary (high) school and the graduation of the final year students.

The traditions also bind the parent community and the members of the general community to the school.

SDP element #23
Maintenance of and respect for the symbols that are part of the culture of the school.
Aligned SE criterion
Criterion #17:  Our school respects the traditions of the school culture.
Current school documentation and situation
The school documentation affirms the importance of school cultural traditions : school uniform; the school anthem; the school motto; academic awards; sporting awards; community service awards; graduation ceremonies year 6 to secondary school and final year secondary school; school captains.  A special tradition is community service to the aged and to disadvantaged children.  The documentation is current and needs no adjustment for 2016.
Development objectives for 2016
Induct new staff into these symbolic artefacts and behaviours that are part of the school culture.
Update the database for the aligned SE criterion.
Resources needed

·       people,
·       money
·       time
·       location
·       stationery
·       IT

·       Mentor teachers
·       Tine slots for induction
·       A school site process
Timeline to achieve the objective(s)
Term 1 induction
Process for achieving the objectives
Teacher peer mentors induct the new teachers and other new staff.
Outcome(s) of the assessment of the attainment of the objective(s)
All staff continue to understand and promote the relevance of the symbols of the school’s culture and to reinforce this to students.

Through staff and student wellbeing surveys there is strong evidence of  staff and students feeling a sense of belonging to this school community.

May the Force be with you!


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