Saturday, 7 October 2017

Editing feedback

Part of my purpose in sharing with any interested readers the draft of my book on School Effectiveness was to possibly receive some comments about the usefulness of the content to practising school Principals. Any comments would assist my editing and decision whether to publish or not.  It is crass to seek comments on a blog, but I would be disappointed to present in published form something that is useless to the practising school Principal.

I have consistently received an encouraging number of readers and wonder if any of these interested persons have time to provide me with a comment or two.  The comments could be on individual posts or general comments.  Don't spare me if what I have presented is not useful.  Having been a Principal I know how busy you are and that you have no time to waste on poor materials that provide no assistance to your day to day work.

Take care and I trust the trauma of the the Las Vegas disaster is not too close to home for my US readers.  I am reminded of the song Everybody Hurts. We all hurt at some stage in our lives, but it usually passes or at least dims with time and the love of those close to us. To be hurting over the Las Vegas tragedy seems more than anyone should have to bear.

When I was a Superintendent of Schools I used to write to all school staff members of the many schools in my district towards the close of a busy school year via my newsletter.  My central message was to take time out with loved ones as this is the ultimate nature of reality on this Earth.

Contemporary school Principals have an incredibly busy life and face many more challenges than in my day as a Principal.  It is a wonderful job as I have said many times, but no job is worth losing you family over.

"Hold your family close.  Never for a second take them for granted as that will be the second you lose them." ( A quote by a daughter whose father's life had been tragically taken.)

Sorry.  I begin to ramble.

May the Force be with you!


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