In case some readers are unaware January 26, 1788 is a very significant date in Australian history. On this date 11 ships from England carrying convicts transported to the colonies for crimes committed came ashore in what is now Port Jackson, Sydney Australia. They formed a colony known as NSW.
January 26th, now celebrated as Australia Day, is perceived by the indigenous peoples of Australia as 'invasion day', marking the beginning of the systematic destruction of their cultures that had existed on the land for more than 60,000 years.
Current Australian school curricula have only relatively recently acknowledged the history of the Aboriginal peoples, including the pervasive and often brutal removal of indigenous persons from their tribal lands. I have been able to work with this more contemporary view of the history of Australia in tutoring one of my grandchildren during online schooling as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. It was so uplifting.
As a school Principal I would welcome this long awaited adjustment to the history that Australian students now learn. When I was actively a Principal in the late 1970s racial intolerance was alive in the community and decisions my wife and I made to help indigenous children were often regarded with suspicion in the community at large. We were not saints, but educators making decisions that educators have to make. On reflection our efforts were not as well-grounded in a true understanding of what it meant to be an indigenous person in that hostile environment.
Racial prejudice in contemporary Australia is nowhere near the levels I describe above, with indigenous Australians in the process of seeking recognition in the constitution of Australia. It is exciting and school Principals need to be on top of the significance of this happening and ensure that is objectively portrayed in the appropriate school syllabuses.
In a wider context of a multi-cultural Australia Principals need to be sensitive to the many cultures that now make up Australian society. I have every confidence that contemporary school Principals are doing a great job in this respect. Their work in inspiring their school communities daily helps to build a much admired and resilient Australia. There is still much to be done as Australia still has to face up to becoming a republic and once and for all cut the ties with its inglorious colonial past.
Sorry folks all this is a bit of a hobby horse of mine so please be understanding of this more subjective post.
Keep safe in these covid times.
Must away and play some guitar to keep my poor old brain active and to bring myself some peace and joy.
May the Force be with you.
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