It is so vital that parents have a detailed insight into their child's school.
My youngest granddaughter has just commenced at a new primary (elementary) school and I am pleased to report that I could generally tap into the details I wanted online. Their website previously left a lot to be desired, but now has been updated to be very informative. I was pleased to be able to read the Annual Report and to peruse academic results comparable across Australia in like schools. I was also able to know the curriculum that will be used in certain learning areas, although I would have liked a more comprehensive statement across all learning areas in this regard.
I would also loved to have seen statements to the effect that the school will never let any child who is having learning difficulties fall through the cracks. Added to this could have been a reassurance that should there be learning difficulties the parents will be notified immediately and become part of the solution.
Another area that should have received more emphasis was how the wellbeing of each child is to be catered for.
I am hoping that the school publishes teacher profiles in the first weeks of school.
The website could also have given a calendar of meetings for 2018 for key bodies like the Parents and Citizens Association.
I will watch with anticipation how the school orients my granddaughter into what is a new environment for her.
Overt term 1 it would be useful if parents are guided to online access to school policies about each learning area. I am being kind: it is vital that this occur.
We Principals know that we are in partnership with parents in the formal education of their offspring.
May the Force be with you!
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