Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Looking after yourself

I probably shouldn't write this post in case it insults you by teaching you to suck eggs.  However I know how easy it is for work as interesting and rewarding as being a school principal to become all consuming.  Been there, done that and probably in hindsight should rate myself as a workaholic.

As a school Principal you are the lynch pin of the school community.  To be always on your game you need to look after yourself physically, emotionally and socially.

You will have peer colleagues, friends and loved ones all of whom are your support base.  Revel in this support in a general everyday sense and seek out appropriate persons when you need extra support and maybe specific advice.

Physical Wellbeing

There is no substitute for regular exercise.  If you are still of a relatively young age you may play a lot of sport for the thrill of the competition, the fun and the fitness. As you move through the years you can keep up suitable exercise regimes.  For me it was jogging, swimming and tennis.  Even in my now senior years it has become as much physical work as I can do in my garden and regular walking.  No matter how many pressures are on at school the exercise time provides a release and better management of the issues when you get back to them.  Not to mention the overall health benefits.

Social and Emotional Wellbeing

One needs to be cautious in making pronouncements about social activity as we are each different.  Some like a lot of social contact and some less social contact.  Amongst your staff you will need to be a measured communicator who engenders confidence and trust.  Even when tough love is to be delivered anger and tension are to be avoided.  People respect you if you are quiet, calm, measured and fair and communicate with others showing respect at all times.

Amongst your friends interactions become much more close and amongst your family very close and intimate.  Again respect is the true fabric of effective human relationships.  Respect morphs into love for ones partner and ones children.  Your work as a Principal is very rewarding, but in the end it is work and not an end in itself.  You need to spend vital time with family and friends.  I offer these words from a daughter who lost her father tragically : I offer them because they express her deepest feelings but also contain a message for our own wellbeing:

"Hold your family close.  Never for a second take them for granted as that will be the second you lose them."

You'll think I'm mad but for me the relationship with my loved ones is the ultimate nature of reality.  It is my practical metaphysics if you like, with apologies to the true believers in say a Christian, Jewish, Muslim God and other transcendental beings.

It is easy to become stressed by the myriad responsibilities of being a school Principal.  Such stress can creep up and not be recognised for what it is.  If you experience this learn to de-stress through the support of your loved ones and through some good old fashioned physical exercise.  Often a chat with a Principal peer helps to solve the issues that are causing the stress.  I am resisting comment on severe stress which you would know must be dealt with and in the worst case scenario by professionals who know how to do this.

I have not mentioned activities like meditation to help us maintain our wellbeing, mainly because I know so little about it.  There are many who swear by it.  I have always had a form of meditation I guess in my love for fishing.  There is nothing more calming that being alone on a beautiful beach as the dawn breaks to the sound of the waves and the smell of the salt air.  Making sure one treats the catch as humanely as possible is part of this.

I guess fishing has really been a sort of hobby and I mention this as I am sure hobbies of various sorts are helpful in maintaining our wellbeing.  Hobbies can include many artistic and practical pursuits.

As Principals we are not expected to walk on water, but we are expected at times to attain to something pretty close to that remarkable feat.

May the Force be with you!


PS:  After writing this post I set about playing my guitar.  I love it, but it is a skill learned long after my time as a busy educator.  I wish I'd had it then as it is so therapeutic.  To all you muso Principals out there, happy picking, strumming, tapping, bowing and blowing.


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