Friday, 21 July 2017

School Effectiveness Criterion #5 coming soon

I've been off air for a few days having ventured to the Pilbara Region of North West Western Australia.  This is red dirt iron ore country.  Bewitching as I muse about the Australian indigenous peoples who wandered this country in the searing heat of summer with little protection from the stunted trees.  There is something deeply spiritual about this old worn down land. I am sure you feel the same way about parts of your countries.

My location contained a large senior high school and at least two government primary schools.  I was chatting to a young year 4 girl after her first day back for semester 2.  She quite bluntly told me that she doesn't like school. I was no position to explore the reasons why but worry when I hear such a young person saying this with so much sincerity.  Anyhow enough of that.

I am eager to post the detail of School Effectiveness Criterion #5 and yesterday made a first pass at this only to come to the conclusion that I needed to simplify and rewrite this vital section of my small book.

I am about to get to work on editing that section of my draft book which is currently titled:

Criterion #5 My School Makes Sure That As I Progress I Don’t Develop Gaps
                           In My English Language, Mathematics And Digital Skills
                           Learning (Aligns with SDP elements #s4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

I trust that my Australian school principal colleagues have come back refreshed and ready for semester 2.

May the Force be with you!


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