I'm still researching the jobs of the future and can say at this stage that I am feeling more confident about the future for our youth. There are however negatives that are of concern.
It's a big topic and I want to get it as right as I can before posting what I have discovered from the point of view of a school Principal.
One enjoyable road block is me needing to assist one of my grandchildren, now in first year high school, with an assignment on the family tree. Fascinating stuff, especially when you go back to great great grandparents. I also send my grandies a riddle each week and love the communication and some of their answers.
Chat soon about the current topic of 'jobs of the future'.
In closing, and on another worrying school matter, is the emerging violence from parents towards school Principals and their teachers. With email contact available to parents I feel there is a sense of the school staff being able to drop everything to provide instant gratification. Schools have to have a very public and purposeful student, staff and parent wellbeing program to counter this alarming trend.
May the Force be with you!